TOKYO MEDICAL PROGRAM INC.(hereinafter referred to as “we”) recognizes the importance of personal information and strives to obtain, use, and manage it appropriately in compliance with laws, aiming to earn customer trust and fulfill our social responsibilities.

1. Acquisition of Personal Information We obtain customer personal information through appropriate and fair means.

2. Use of Personal Information
We use customer personal information within the scope of the purposes indicated at the time of acquisition, as necessary for business execution. We may share personal information with our affiliates and manage it properly. We may also provide personal information to contractors for legitimate purposes, ensuring strict management of the information.

3. Provision to Third Parties
We do not provide or disclose customer personal information to third parties without consent, except as required by law.

4. Management of Personal Information
We ensure the accuracy and security of personal information, implementing proper security measures against unauthorized access, computer viruses, etc., to prevent loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage. We also educate our officers and employees on proper handling of personal information in daily operations.

5. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension, and Deletion
Upon request from customers, we will reasonably respond to requests for disclosure, correction, suspension, or deletion of retained personal data after verifying the identity of the requester.

Enacted on July 1, 2024